dissabte, 15 de novembre del 2014

Alice´s Adventures In Wonderland

Alice´s Adventures in Wonderland és una obra multidisciplinar (piano, electrònica i vídeo),  encarregada per la pianista Rei Nakamura, inclosa a Movement to Sound, Sound to Movement VIII: Neo-Minimalism
Aquest treball és fruit de la col·laboració amb la compositora i vídeo-creadora Raquel García-Tomás, amb qui ja havia treballat anteriorment. Aquesta vegada vam decidir basar-nos en aquesta novel·la de Lewis Carroll. La meva tasca en aquest projecte va ser adaptar les 140 pàgines de la novel·la a 83 vinyetes (escenes) i realitzar les 83 il·lustracions que composen el vídeo.

 Alice´s Adventures in Wonderland is a multidisciplinary work (piano, electronics and video) commissioned by the pianist Rei Nakamura and included in Movement to Sound, Sound to Movement VIII: Neo-Minimalism
This work is the result of collaboration with the composer and video artist Raquel García-Tomás, with who i had worked before. This time we decide to build on this Lewis Carroll´s novel. My assignment in this work was the adaptation of the 140 pages of the novel to 83 vignettes (scenes) and to do the 83 illustrations which compose the video.

08.11.14 Rei Nakamura, Movement to sound, sound to Movement VIII: Neo-Minimalism. Bernaola Festival Vitoria, Spain (World Premiere)
14 Dialogues/Rei Nakamura.Movement to sound, sound to Movement VIII: Neo-Minimalism. Edinburgh, Scotland- (UK Premiere)
25.11.14 Rei Nakamura, Movement to sound, sound to Movement VIII: Neo-Minimalism.  Piano+ 2014, Imatronic Festival, Karlsruhe Germany
24.04.15 Rei Nakamura, Movement to sound, sound to Movement VIII: Neo-Minimalism. Festival Mixtur, Barcelona, Catalonia

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